
Company News and Insights

NewPower News
November 30, 2022

Independents Become Indispensable

The electronic components industry has been in a state of consolidation, with larger manufacturers buying smaller manufacturers, suppliers buying suppliers, and distributors buying distributors. The consolidation had helped distributors broaden their service offerings to keep up with the demands of the status quo economy.

Industry News
June 16, 2022

When Will the Shortage Market End?

Did you know semiconductors are the world’s fourth most-traded product, trailing only crude oil, motor vehicle parts and refined oil. As semiconductor demand soars and the most significant shortage of our lifetime unfolds, the biggest question in boardrooms worldwide is when will this end?

NewPower News
June 6, 2022

NewPower is Recognized as Top 50 Electronics Distributor

NewPower Worldwide, the leading independent distributor of electronic components and finished goods, was recognized as #3 on Electronics Sourcing’s North American Top 50 Independent Distributors list and #14 on SourceToday’s Global Top 50 Electronics Distributors report.

Industry News
March 7, 2022

Take Control of Your Supply Chain

The circumstances of an economic collapse have been building as the economy’s outlook remains uncertain. In 2020 overall demand plummet as the Covid-19 pandemic kept everyone in hibernation. Many businesses had mass-layoffs, and others were forced to close.