Distributors gear up for growth. With supply chains stabilizing and technological…
NewPower Worldwide's CEO, Carleton Dufoe, explains the electronic components industry is…
Electronics Sourcing, November 2024 - NewPower explains how the inevitable challenge of…
Electronics Sourcing, January 2024 - NewPower explores some of the key reasons supply…
Distributors get back to business. After (mostly) untangling the supply chain, industry…
In the latest issue of Electronics Sourcing, NewPower’s CEO, Carleton Dufoe, advises…
Electronics Sourcing, August 2023 - NewPower Worldwide introduces the advantages of…
NewPower Worldwide discusses trends for 2023 including decentralized supply chains,…
With component production finite and insufficient to meet market demand, NewPower…
Challenges remain and the pace of growth may ease, but the 2023 Distributors Outlook is…
Did you know semiconductors are the world’s fourth most-traded product, trailing only…
The circumstances of an economic collapse have been building as the economy’s outlook…
The pandemic has challenged every known business process in our industry and has issued…
EPSNews recognizes NewPower Worldwide as a global leader in 2018 with a #1 ranking by…
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